The food service program at Sojourn House focuses on providing daily nutritious meals, supplying 3 meals plus an evening snack to all residents living in the shelter and in the satellite program. Our food partners Second Harvest and the Daily Bread Food Bank provide us with regular fresh fruits, vegetables and snack items. Helping us to keep costs down while providing nutritious meals every day!
Sojourn House caters to its client’s special dietary needs, cultural food preferences and food restrictions. We do so by following the Canadian Food Guide, providing Halal meat products and by diversifying the dishes we serve.
Sojourn House hosts monthly birthday celebrations in the Shelter Program and facilitates all religious accommodations during periods of religious observance.Transitional Housing residents, staff and community individuals may also drop in to enjoy a meal for a low cost.
Volunteering in the kitchen
And of course we always welcome volunteers to assist in serving meals and helping out in the kitchen. Please call the Director of People Services for information about volunteering opportunities at (416) 864-0515 ext. 247.